The NASDP is striving to maintain its objectivity and credibility, so that it will manage to remain independent from any governmental or non-governmental organizations, even partially, or from any political party or other private interests.


Therefore, the NASDP is doing all the efforts to make sure that its actions are run impartially, free of the opinions its sponsors might favor, and free of self-interest as well. The NASDP is seeking cooperation with similar organizations, and also with the security / defense industry, the academic milieu, and governments.


The NASDP is trying to create at an international level an academic milieu to promote information exchange, diplomatic culture, innovative thinking, and analytical developments.


We propose via our projects the implementation of real security concepts and defense strategies, safety and adequate reaction towards better, firmer guarantees for national security, social security, institutional security of property, and justice. We believe in freedom of exchange so that private enterprises in partnership with governmental institutions might overcome the issues of a modern society still finding itself under the sign of statism.


The NASDP wishes to serve governmental departments and agencies, governmental organizations responsible with law enforcement, European and NATO allies, corporate and stand-alone clients.


The NASDP is a strong partner of the United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization the International Organization for Security and Intelligence, and the Helsinki Think Tank.

Vision and Mission

The NASDP is striving to maintain its objectivity and credibility so that it will manage to maintain itself as a center acting independently from any governmental or nongovernmental organism, even partially, or from any political party, or other private interests.

Initially, the National Academy of Security and Defense Planning (NASDP) was conceived as a mere training center for the NASDP, an innovative hub entirely a private enterprise, as a supplier of defense and safety solutions, and also as a facility of ongoing professional mentoring of the adult preparing him/her for the state-owned industry and commerce in Romania. The center was established by the beginning of 2011 courtesy of a team of experts knowledgeable in Euro-Atlantic issues, as a standalone, informal group, endowing legal status in November 2013, for further bolstering the local and regional staffing in need on law enforcement where private security issues are involved. Things developed however and here we are today, able to provide both Romanian and foreign milieus risk assessment solutions, prevention solutions, configuration patterns and ways fight the effects of natural disasters, calamities, menaces, or hostile actions; we can also provide security studies and research in most fields of the modern society, as kickback to the need of serenity and safety.



Integrated security solutions

Risks of security breeches and threat assessment

Uninterrupted education throughout adult life


MGEN. DR SABESTIAN SARBU, MPA, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Security & Defense Planning).

AMB GEN SIR DIVAKAR SARKAR KGC CCK, JD (Jurisprudence & Arbitration), MD (Family Medicine), SJD (Social Justice and Arbitrary Law), Ph.D. (International Affairs and Human Rights), D.Sc. (Security Science & Intelligence).

GENERAL PROF JASBIR SINGH KGC, MPA (Public Administration), Ph.D. (Mixed Martial Arts and Public Safety), D.Sc. (Security and Intelligence), Ph.D. (Governance and Development Management).


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